Donate to Catmandu
Donate to your favorite furry friends!
We are extremely frugal and make every dollar stretch as far as humanely (or felinely) possible. Be that as it may, we still have rent, utilities, inusrance, kitty food, cat litter, vaccinations, spay/neuter, veterinary care etc. that we have to pay for each and every month. With your help, we can keep doing amazing things to help the kitties of Carson City and the surrounding areas. Thank you! Meow!
There are many ways that you can help:
Link your Smith's Grocery Rewards Card
Send a check to us at 1829 Brown St., Carson City, NV 89701
Drop by Catmandu and hand it to us purrrsonally
Amazon Wish List
Whether it's $5, $10, $20 or a whole lot more - every little bit helps and is much appreciated.
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; your donations are tax-deductible.